Our services are held every Sunday at 11:00am and there is a simultaneous Zoom service.
Phone: 01484 430556
Email: [email protected]
We also have a website which can be accessed here: www.moldgreenurc.org.uk
History of our Church and our Church today
Founded as Moldgreen Congregational Church in 1865 and planted at the centre of the village
Now housed in a new building on the original site in what is now a busy suburb
Now serving those around us – Moldgreen Community Primary School
Huddersfield University, local families, and the multi faith/no faith folk of Moldgreen
We have been here over 150 years, (if you include our ancestors)
A fellowship who work hard, delighting in new ideas which lead to the Glory of God
A church which is a busy community hub – open most days
A commitment to tailored worship to suit the occasion – traditional, café style, Messy Church.
Strong ecumenical Links.